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Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

I Heart Photojojo

I Heart Photojojo - with more and more gadgets of new products, we should be literate technology because the product is made with the purpose to further facilitate our lives, on the blog News Latest Technology we will discuss about new and old products, we will explain the full pungsi, well now we will first clean up about I Heart Photojojo we have collected a lot of data to make this article so you do not deleted information. please see:

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I Heart Photojojo

No. Not photos of JoJo (though I do heart those). Photojojo. It is a real, live, camera geekery site geek things.I don't remember how I orginally found the site, but I got a kick out of the name, and somehow all the cuteness hooked me into receiving weekly emails from them. If I wasn't trying to be a frugal college student and like save for the future and yadahyadah (adulthood is overrated, I tell you whut) I would waste all my money on cameras, lenses, and basically anything camera related. Including geekery. I have posted on here before about their spectacularly awesome camera lens coffee mugs, but here's a couple other cute things off the site.

Although, *THIS* on the other hand baffles me. I found it and emailed my photography professor immediately to share my bewilderment.A mount for attaching D-SLR lenses to an Iphone? Really? Is this what photography is coming to? Oh, I sure hope not.

 The iPhone 4 SLR Mount

quite so many infromation I Heart Photojojo

hopefully the information we provide about I Heart Photojojo we provide can be useful for your life especially in determining the gadget according to your requirement.

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